Thursday, February 25, 2021

How to Say Greetings and Farewell in English

Cara mengucapkan salam dan perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris.  Pelajaran paling dasar dalam speaking biasanya diwali dengan topik “How to Say Greetings and Farewell in English” Untuk itu langsung saja mari kita belajara greeting, farewell, dan special occasion expression yang masih masuk dalam ketgori materi greeting.

Untuk memudahkan berikut beberapa frase dan ungkapan yang paling sering kita dengar dan ucapkan ketika berbahasa Inggris saat bertemu dengan orang lain.

Ungkapan salam dan perpisahan yang umum dalam bahasa Inggris

Bellow are some words and phrases commonly used to say greeting and farewell in English:
1. Hello. It is an expression used as a friendly greeting. It is said when meeting someone.
Example:Hello everyone!
2. Hi. It is a short and informal greeting. It is said when meeting someone
Example: Hi everyone!
3. Good morning. It is a greeting said when meeting someone in the morning
Example: Good morning! Did you sleep well?
4. Good afternoon. It is a greeting said when meeting someone in the afternoon
Example: Good afternoon! How are you?
5. Good evening. It is a greeting said when meeting someone in the evening
Example: Good evening! How are you?
6. Good night. It is a farewell said in the evening or before going to sleep
Example: Good night! Sleep well.
7. Goodbye. It is a farewell said when you or the other person are leaving
Example: Goodbye! Have a fun journey.

Saying greeting and farewell can be in certain situation such as in passing, before a conversation, in the school, in business, in social event or party, etc This greeting and farewell expression is arranged from:

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